Some parts will require you to either use a pull-up bar (which you can buy and mount in a door frame) or have a sturdy place to drape elastic bands over to simulate doing pull-ups. I had particular difficulty with this living in an apartment with wimpy, weak doors and frames I am not allowed to drill into. If you choose to buy the bands, you’re covered, but otherwise you will also need to have access to a set of dumbbells of varying weights. The easier and less expensive option is to buy the bands, but I think once you progress past the beginner stage you will start to want the dumbbells and pull-up bar for added difficulty.

If you are a normal person and not a genetic mutant or a professional athlete, P90x will be on the difficult side when you start out. This is good, except for one thing: as with other workout videos, you have to watch a bunch of people who are in so much better shape than you that you feel like putting your foot through the TV.

All in all, I would recommend giving P90x a try if you can afford it. If you stick to it, the results will definitely be worth it.

The last thing to consider is the grueling nature of the workouts. The exhaustion level is intense, which means that doing anything else physical beyond the routine is likely to be counterproductive. I, myself, did tree work for a side job and knew straightaway that there would be conflict. Over-training can become a real issue with this routine.

Having said that, I do recommend this routine, but only if you are willing to make the huge sacrifices demanded by it. You will see results. Even though I was unable to perform the routine exactly as specified, I did incorporate the principles into my existing workouts with great results.

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