For me personally, there weren’t many cons. Let me start with the biggest, Tony Horton. Don’t get me wrong, he knows what he’s talking about and seems like a nice person, but in the P90X videos he is just plain annoying. He’s overly energetic to the point where it just seems fake, and while maybe not meaning too, he seems to constantly be bragging about how much he can do with each workout, even though he skips half of them claiming he is “helping the kids” or “watching the kids” who are the other people working out in the videos.

Another con would be that for a beginner, the workouts may be too hard. I had been working out for months when I started P90X, and I struggled quite a bit at first. If you are somebody who has been absent from working out for a long time, or somebody who is extremely overweight and out of shape, you might need to workout on your own before beginning P90X.

Other than these two cons, I think the P90X workout program is great. If you want to get in shape but have been struggling to lose that extra fat or break through that lifting plateau, try P90X.

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